The term pedagogy is specific to the education sphere. It is often referred to as the 'art and science of teaching'. To put simply, pedagogy is concerned with how teachers deliver learning- the strategies used, resources selected and environments established, along with the underlying learning theories that influence these teaching decisions. Student interests, characteristics, needs and transitions are fundamental to these decisions.
Age-appropriate PedagogiesTaroom State School has adopted the evidenced-based pedagogical approach known as “Age-Appropriate Pedagogies" (AAPs).
More information around this approach is found at the following link:
Whilst this approach has its origins in the early childhood sector, it is increasingly seen as an approach that equips all students with the 21st century skills necessary to be successful learners, workers and citizens now and in the future.
The Taroom State School pedagogical diagram explained
What students learn combines the non-negotiables of the Australian Curriculum and the opportunities to contextualise learning to suit the interests, individualised needs and local community resources. These elements are Australian Curriculum Subjects include the Achievement Standards; General Capabilities; Cross-Curricula Priorities and Community and curriculum connections.
How students learn are the identified learning theories (Behaviourism, Liberationism, Social Constructivism and Connectivism) that perpetuate the thinking behind why teachers choose strategies, teaching pedagogies and classroom set ups towards achieving a specific learning purpose.
What students need are the Age-Appropriate Pedagogies selected at different points of learning sequence to achieve specific outcomes. Direct Teaching; Explicit Instruction; Project-based Learning; Inquiry-based Learning; Events-based Learning; Play-based Learning.
The outer circle represents the Scan model of inquiry which is employed to improve student outcomes through systematic planning, monitoring and assessing.